Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Curious Case

In Superman: The Movie Lex Luthor talks about how someone can "read War and Peace and think it to be just a book about war. Others can read the ingredients on a bubble gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the Universe." I had a moment like that last week when I finally watched the movie I was most looking forward to. Let me just say that it was a splendid piece of art. I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. Maybe because it was David Fincher and Brad Pitt. Maybe because I may have unlocked a secret in myself I have been unable to see or kept myself from seeing for a long time. Great movies tend to be more than the sum of their parts. I believe what constitutes a brilliant film is one that still has you emotionally reeling long after the credits have rolled. This film was no exception. I not only was watching a movie I was able to connect to this movie on a personal level. The movie's central themes dealt with loss, loneliness, abandonment, and most importantly love. It made me think about the loss of people throughout my life whether it was loved ones who walk in and out of my life for whatever reason to the death of my Grandpa last year. It had me face the sense of loneliness I have been feeling lately and offered some hypotheses on why I am still single after all of these years. I took a long look at myself after the movie. That's when the movie hit me the hardest. I felt more alone than I had in a long while. I came to the conclusion that one of my main reasons for being single for so long is that when I start to like someone I almost immediately think that it's going to end. I cannot seem to reconcile those thoughts. Or about how I will feel when it does end. Even when there is no evidence to support it my brain goes through that motion. I'm not sure why but like it or not they are there. I know in the end these are just thoughts and they only have whatever power that I give them and I tend to give thoughts like these more power than I should. I love it when movies do that. This will definitely be one I add to my collection when it comes out.

1 comment:

poshdeluxe said...

this sounds like a discovery that will take a long time to process... but self-transformation always takes time (and usually a lot of effort, since we tend to cling to the familiar).

it's worth it, though!