Friday, August 28, 2009

12 Year Old Me is Gonna Be Pissed

Lately I've been thinking a lot about what I am doing with my life and where I thought I would be at this time. Maybe it's my lack of any present artistic endeavors, maybe it's because I've been watching too many episodes of How I Met Your Mother and Californication, or it could just be my allergies but sometimes I think the 12 year old me would be a bit displeased with himself. I'm not yet the scientist, police officer, lawyer or actor that I wanted to be when I grew up. But then again 12 year old me also still believed in Santa Claus. It seems that from a young age I was ear raped by the school system into thinking that continuing my education would reap nothing but monetary rewards. "Only the uneducated get stuck with the jobs no one wants to do." As I have gotten older I've noticed that is not always the case. Sometimes I'm glad that I didn't go down that path of higher education so that I would live out my days in retail paying back student loans I still couldn't afford while dusting off a degree that's not worth the paper it's printed on. Other times I think about what would be different about me if I did further my education by attending College. Would I have settled on a degree that would be useful and is actually hiring right now? Would I be dating some sexy co-ed I once met at a keg party? Would I be some kind of a douche? And how would this affect my interest rate? You know what I think it may just be the allergies.


Rob Adams said...

These are really great thoughts, Anthony. You are who you are. You can find what you want out of life and do what you love without a formal education. You also have plenty of time to discover what that is.

J. Tyler said...

You believed in Santa Claus when you were 12?