Friday, May 15, 2009

Stand-Up and Delivered

In the last couple of days I have finally done what many have said I should do for the last 3 years at least. It is also something I have wanted to do I was just afraid to get the ball rolling. It took someone special to remind me that I really wanted to do it. I've even been writing some material for the past year. Not much but a good start. But I must say I was right about starting. I went to Kick Butt Coffee for their open mic night. I felt a bit dodgy at first but I felt I was getting the hang of it a bit by the time I was done. As soon as I was done I wanted to get back up there and try again. The crowd could have been a bit better in my opinion they weren't really laughing at anyone's jokes that night. As my friend Craig would say "You couldn't move that crowd with a gun!" I did hit them with one good one though. The thing is I always thought that as soon as I did stand-up I would have felt like 'been there done that' and be done with it but that's not the case. Instead it makes me want to try harder to make people laugh. And write more jokes. Which I have done. I tried again on Thursday night at The Velveeta Room. The anticipation to get up on stage was almost too overwhelming there. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I was tempted to leave a few times. For the record if you are going to perform late at night be sure to eat something before you leave the house so you don't think you will pass out from not having anything in your system. This time I had more of a receptive crowd. I did have some friends in the audience as well. I got more laughs than I did the previous night. When I was done I was congratulated by many in the crowd which made me feel even better about it. I will definitely be making a habit of this.


poshdeluxe said...

moody, this is awesome! i'm so proud of you! and v. impressed. there is no WAY i would get up in front of a crowd at the velveeta room.

keep it up! i hope henri and i'll get a chance to see you perform soon!

Moody said...

Thanks for the support Mz. Pants. I think next time I'll try to inform more people.