Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tis The Season

Apparently I didn't do a blog the entire month of Nov. Holy Crabapple. Well anyway the X-Mas season is in full swing and I'd like to take this opportunity to say that the holiday time for me has always been my favorite time of year. Presents, Holiday Music, Holiday Movies and most importantly it's about loved ones and family. For me though it also means I slow down with everything non-holiday related. Don't expect me to do any hard labor or anything mentally tasking. School was always hard for me at this time because I was ready for the year to end and was always counting the days until vacation time. In the spirit of the holiday season I give you one of my favorite Holiday songs. By s John Bongiovi who later became famous as Jon Bon Jovi.

And to prove to you it is Bon Jovi