Friday, August 22, 2008

Superman Returns Again (Kinda Sorta)

Newsarama has a story here about the direction the new Superman film will go. According to the article they are basically going to reboot the franchise. Now I thought that is what they should have done last time. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Superman Returns for what it was. (Basically the worlds biggest fan film.) I thought it perfectly continued the movies from the Christopher Reeve movies. It was a great ode to that series. And what they did I thought was great it just was more an adaptation of the Superman movie of 1978 than it was about Superman the Comic Book character. I wanted a movie based on the comic book character, not a movie based on a movie based on a comic book character. Hopefully this news turns out to be a good thing and we don't end up with another Superman IV. (which by the way even though it is my least favorite of the five I liked it I just thought the serious subject matter should have been taken a bit more seriously) Now if only they will keep Brandon Routh.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hope Obi Wan is Close By

This is just too awesome not to share.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Bush Legacy

Say what you will about our current Commander in Chief's foreign policy, domestic policy, war strategy, or intentions but it won't matter. Bush's Legacy will definitely be the best blooper reel in the history of politics.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

And One to Grow On.

My last blog dealt with sites I frequent. Here is one that I am growing to like the more I read it. The Orwell Diaries is a site that is posting a new blog from the diary of George Orwell to correspond with the same date of his journal writings in 1938.

Online Me

To get a feel of who I am I would like to share with you some of the websites that I frequent mostly everyday. most of these are .coms.

Myspace/Facebook These are a given since social networking sites have become the new email.

WWTDD/Filmdrunk/IDLYITW- These are where I get my movie news/celebrity gossip/celebrity stalker photos fix. They give it with a sense of humor I like. And as an added plus they dislike Perez Hilton and AICN more than I do.

Kryptonsite/Superman Homepage- Of course I go to these for my Superman and Smallville needs.

Poshdeluxe- A friend of mine has a blog and it is good. You should go there if you want to know what you are missing out on in Austin. Plus she did an interview of me that you can read if you go here

Okcupid- I'm single and the site is the only online dating site that I like. Mainly because it is free.

Hulu- because I don't own a tivo. Since this site went up my downloading of TV shows that I missed went down by at least 90%

consumerist/wisebread- I visit these sites because I try to be a knowledgeable consumer.

shoutwire- This one used to be much better than it is now but is still worth a good read every now and then.

TV/IMDB- both of these are tools to use when I can't place the actor I am looking at in a movie or a TV show that I immediately have to find out who it is before I go crazy.

BBC News Because let's face it. Our news has to answer to the corporate sponsors.

With all of these sites plus checking my email it's no wonder I never get anything done.

WTF with Dick and Jane.

I found this on a blog I frequent and WoW. That's the only way I can describe it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

All the Right Movies

Say what you will about the man behind the scenes. I have never had the luxury of meeting him but you have to admit he has been part of some of the greatest movies of the last 25 years. And if you go to there is a video of some of his performances in the last 25 years. Of course that can only mean one thing. Since a majority of these films are from Paramount you can probably expect to see a boxed set soon covering his 25 years in the movies. Now if only I can get money for coming up with the ad campaign for this boxed set. Tom Cruise Box Set. "All the Right Movies".

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I Must Be Getting Slack In My Old Age.

Since changing to a store closer to where I live I no longer have the need to set aside road trip music to get through the commute to work. One byproduct of this is discovering a CD while listening to the Shuffle that I forgot that I had bought. So I have already bought MXPX Secret Weapon. In a somewhat related note I can't seem to find the first X-Files movie ANYWHERE. Not even for rent at the nearest Blockbuster.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Shuffling Questions

Let's play Musical Answers with questions found from someone's blog. I am aware this is so 2005 but I don't care I like them.

To play this, you need an Ipod or Mp3 player with a "shuffle" feature that allows random shuffling among all the music stored on it. Since I have so much Karaoke music on my laptop I will omit those if they pop up. Other than that no cheating.

How does the world see me?

Warm- NOFX
Thanks world!

What do my friends really think of me?

Never Been in Love - Andrew Rex. My friends know me well. I've been in tremendous like a lot though.

Do people secretly lust after me?

For You to Notice - Dashboard Confessional. I guess they do.

How can I make myself happy?

Fall on Me - REM Not sure if this is working now.

What should I do with my life?
Have at Thee ! - Say Anything / I guess I should go out and get Krunk with my friends while going out with a girl that drives me insane. Great.

Will I ever have children?

In The Garage- Weezer. I'm not sure how to respond to that one.

What is some good advice for me?

Work in this Universe-Fulflej. Since the Universe is balanced I'll come out ahead in the end. That is some good advice. Idealistic but good.

How will I be remembered?
Come Out of the Shade- The Perishers

What is my signature dance song?
Young and Depressed- MXPX Good song but not a real good dance song.

What do I think my current theme song is?

Theme from Star Trek: Insurrection. The scores from those Star Trek movies are pretty good.

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
If I needed You- Dashboard Confessional

What song will play at my funeral?

Sway - The Perishers. I'm going to take this opportunity to tell you that this band is really good. Check them out. Preferably Before I die.

What type of men/women do I like?

#9 Dream- John Lennon So I either like women that will alienate me from my friends. Or women who only exist in my dreams.

What is my day going to be like?
Say It Ain't So- Weezer I guess I should stay home on Saturday.

Monday, August 11, 2008

They Just Went Full Retard.

Today I read that some disability advocacy groups were going to boycott Tropical Thunder because of this scene the studio released last week.

Really? This scene? What are they slow? This scene is obviously about actors discussing whether or not they can pretend to be retarded. No insensitivity here in my opinion. Nothing about retarded people at all. Not one mention of Downs Syndrome. Not even a mention of Corky from Life Goes On. Man, I loved that show. Let's just stop being offended by every little thing that goes on in a movie. Don't want to see the movie? Fine. It's just that this whole "I don't like the message of your movie even though I haven't seen it so I'm going to try and get everyone else to not see it either" mentality needs to be abolished. It doesn't solve anything. And it makes you and your group look like a bunch of oppurtunists who don't understand the concept of context. End Rant.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


I realized tonight that this week has been a bit of a blessing for me. Not only have I met new friends that I hope will be a part of my life for years to come I have also run into friends from most aspects of my life that I don't get to see enough. Thursday I saw some of my 'videoke' buddies in Henri and Caitlin. Saturday I was able to hang out with my friends Kimbra and Lisa from the Randall's store where I used to work. Sunday brought me to sitting in on an acting class where I ran into the acting coach, and my friends CJ, Corrina, and Chris. After meeting old friends and making new ones at the after party I went to the Ritz to see the 'Sailor Jerry' documentary and ended up seeing my friends Corey and Courtney. With tomorrow being Monday and karaoke night seeing friends can only get better.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

While On That Subject . .

Maybe I have become too cynical with my views of relationships but I have noticed a another trend besides my post on the disposable relationships we have today. It seems that the more attractive a woman is the more a guy will be willing to put up with their idiosyncrasies. The same is true with women but to a different extent, the more money a guy has the more the woman will be willing to put up with his idiosyncratic behavior. Of course this is not true for all members of both sexes. One can conclude from this observation that this could be the basis for strip clubs. The man is there for the attractive women while the women are there for the money. Just a thought.


Maybe I am just being too cynical but what happened to the "old fashioned" way of going out with someone? It seems to me these days that hardly anyone wants to refer to dates as dates. Or admit they are in a committed relationship with someone. Has it become too taboo to do so? The divorce rate is nearly half and half in this country. And I am sure the "break-up" rate is the same if not more so for non-married couples. Maybe I am just being naive and that nothing ever truly lasts forever. It just seems that people in general have no desire to be with someone. Or after they are with someone it doesn't take long for them to move onto someone else. Maybe I am making a leap in logic here but maybe it's because we have become a consumer nation. We have disposable plates, utensils, diapers, razors, pens, almost anything can be found in disposable form. We are always trading in the old car for the new car. The HDTV for the standard sets. And even with the new TV's we tend to buy a new one if it breaks because it's cheaper to buy new. It's no wonder we don't have lasting relationships with people. In our minds they have become just as disposable as everything else.