Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Cooler

For the last couple of years I have been putting 20 dollars in the lottery machine Once a week just for fun. I have justified my habit by actually winning $2000 almost 2 years ago and I, until recently, would mostly win a majority of my money back. For the last month and a half I have not been so lucky. Enough losses have occurred that I decided to give myself an ultimatum at the beginning of May. If I didn't at least win my money back (Which would be $20) on one of my weekly lottery binges by the end of May I would have to give it up. 5 weeks later and I have to tell you I have only won $5. The entire month of May and half of April. That's it. Only $5. You would think I would have won more than that. Somehow I have beat the odds of losing. It's no longer fun. I guess I'll just do it every once in a while if at all. It definitely won't be every week. With luck like this I probably should never go to Vegas. But that's alright. They got rid of the Star Trek themed Hotel anyway.

Card Revoked

It's happened. I can't say I am too surprised of the outcome either. My gamer card has to have been revoked by now or at least suspended. I couldn't tell you the last time I played a video game. It has to have been at least 6 months ago. Ok, I know that with today's technology I could easily look on my PS3 to see when I last played something, but the PS3 is way over there and I'm over here. I still use my PS3 everyday. I use it for Netflix, hulu, vudu, Amazon and I download things from the PlayStation Network. Which reminds me, I have all of season 3 of the Tester waiting for me on the hard drive. Before you start thinking "oh, he just outgrew them" I have to tell you I still love video games. I just have to have enough time to actually sit and play a game with enough time to do it right. Those kind of days and nights are very few and far between. I never beat Red Dead Redemption like I wanted to. I'm still on Metal Gear Solid 4. And I don't want to start another game until I finish this one. That is the one game I bought the PS3 for in the first place. The MGS series is probably my favorite video game series of all time. I also have 3 unopened games sitting on my shelf. One is a James Bond one that I've been wanting to play but I'm waiting until I finish MGS4. The other two were freebies that came with the system. I even have L.A. Noire on the hard drive that I bought in Dec during a sale that is still waiting for me to open it up and solve some murders. I just don't have as much time as I want to to play these games. I believe a few of the major culprits are work, facebook and going out to karaoke. Perhaps if I cut back on all of these things I can find time to spend with my beloved games. I may play some tomorrow if I can make the time.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

3 years later. . . .

Welcome to what may very well be something I stop doing again for another three years. I've been meaning to get back to this blogging thing for some time now. A few months ago I was even toying with the idea of making this strictly a comic book movie review blog. Those plans obviously fell through. While looking back at previous blogs over the week I have become a bit more familiar with who I was 3 years ago. 3 years can change someone. I am still mostly the same person but I can tell there were a few changes that are hopefully for the better. Since I did not blog I can't map my progress or my non-progress. Anyway keep an eye on this blog for more posts. I may even post the blog I intended to post when I started writing this one.