Wednesday, November 7, 2012

You May Say That I'm a Dreamer . . .

Re-electing President Obama was the easy part. Now the hard part will be getting our political leaders, as well as each other, to work together and make this country the great country it can be. For my Republican friends: With the threat of making him a one term President no longer an issue, I hope the Republican led Senate can find some common ground with the President and get this country back on track and improve this country. This country works much better when we do what is best for the nation as a whole and not what is best for any one political party. We've seen it at work in the last few weeks with President Obama and Governor Christie in NJ. We need it to work all over America. I also hope the Republican party in general will use this as an opportunity to separate themselves from the so-called Tea Party before the next election. They are hurting your party. It's difficult for undecideds to listen to anyone who hasn't figured out basic civil liberties. I know that Republicans do have some moderates in it's party and I see that if you will embrace them instead you can really come back and turn some heads in the 2016 election. You just have to stop doubling down on stupid. For my Democratic friends: Let's celebrate this win but let's also not gloat too much about this win. It's very difficult to "reach across the aisle" and shake hands when the other side believes you to be doing so only to slap theirs. So let's get it all out of our system now and try to move right along into bipartisanship. For the Third Party people don't worry, I didn't forget about you. I feel like the 2016 election will be your year to be heard, your year to shine. Let's see what you can come up with. I know that this is all just a bit naive on my part but I truly believe we are all in this together. It's not every man for himself or herself. It's not "Us the People and Them the People". It's "We the People". And "We the People" should really start acting like it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's just not working out.

For the last 3 months or so I have been stepping up my workout routine. I've started to go to the fitness center of my apartment and take advantage of the various machines in facility. Prior to this I was just doing an ab routine I learned in a Men's Fitness magazine a few years ago as well as lifting some free weights. Now not only am I doing the ab routine and using the weight machines I have also added some running on an elliptical machine. I can definitely feel a difference with my body. Which brings us to today. I decided to step on the scale for shits and giggles. There was definitely not any shitting or giggling involved. Somehow in the last month I have gained 10 pounds. That weight that some of my friends have been losing? I found it. It's very discouraging to say the least. It doesn't make me want to work out harder that is for sure. It makes me want to just throw in the proverbial towel. Who knows? Maybe I should just stop lifting weights and just do running stuff until I drop 20-30 pounds? Or maybe I should start cutting back on eating altogether. Or Maybe I should just start taking laxatives? One thing is for sure I don't want to do that P90X thing people seem to be crazy about. The people in the infomercials have the crazy eyes. It looks like they just took C.I.A. torture methods for GitMo and made a video for you to do them to yourself. I definitely don't want to do that. Wow, this post is starting to sound a lot like it was written by Andy Rooney.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Cooler

For the last couple of years I have been putting 20 dollars in the lottery machine Once a week just for fun. I have justified my habit by actually winning $2000 almost 2 years ago and I, until recently, would mostly win a majority of my money back. For the last month and a half I have not been so lucky. Enough losses have occurred that I decided to give myself an ultimatum at the beginning of May. If I didn't at least win my money back (Which would be $20) on one of my weekly lottery binges by the end of May I would have to give it up. 5 weeks later and I have to tell you I have only won $5. The entire month of May and half of April. That's it. Only $5. You would think I would have won more than that. Somehow I have beat the odds of losing. It's no longer fun. I guess I'll just do it every once in a while if at all. It definitely won't be every week. With luck like this I probably should never go to Vegas. But that's alright. They got rid of the Star Trek themed Hotel anyway.

Card Revoked

It's happened. I can't say I am too surprised of the outcome either. My gamer card has to have been revoked by now or at least suspended. I couldn't tell you the last time I played a video game. It has to have been at least 6 months ago. Ok, I know that with today's technology I could easily look on my PS3 to see when I last played something, but the PS3 is way over there and I'm over here. I still use my PS3 everyday. I use it for Netflix, hulu, vudu, Amazon and I download things from the PlayStation Network. Which reminds me, I have all of season 3 of the Tester waiting for me on the hard drive. Before you start thinking "oh, he just outgrew them" I have to tell you I still love video games. I just have to have enough time to actually sit and play a game with enough time to do it right. Those kind of days and nights are very few and far between. I never beat Red Dead Redemption like I wanted to. I'm still on Metal Gear Solid 4. And I don't want to start another game until I finish this one. That is the one game I bought the PS3 for in the first place. The MGS series is probably my favorite video game series of all time. I also have 3 unopened games sitting on my shelf. One is a James Bond one that I've been wanting to play but I'm waiting until I finish MGS4. The other two were freebies that came with the system. I even have L.A. Noire on the hard drive that I bought in Dec during a sale that is still waiting for me to open it up and solve some murders. I just don't have as much time as I want to to play these games. I believe a few of the major culprits are work, facebook and going out to karaoke. Perhaps if I cut back on all of these things I can find time to spend with my beloved games. I may play some tomorrow if I can make the time.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

3 years later. . . .

Welcome to what may very well be something I stop doing again for another three years. I've been meaning to get back to this blogging thing for some time now. A few months ago I was even toying with the idea of making this strictly a comic book movie review blog. Those plans obviously fell through. While looking back at previous blogs over the week I have become a bit more familiar with who I was 3 years ago. 3 years can change someone. I am still mostly the same person but I can tell there were a few changes that are hopefully for the better. Since I did not blog I can't map my progress or my non-progress. Anyway keep an eye on this blog for more posts. I may even post the blog I intended to post when I started writing this one.