Wednesday, November 7, 2012

You May Say That I'm a Dreamer . . .

Re-electing President Obama was the easy part. Now the hard part will be getting our political leaders, as well as each other, to work together and make this country the great country it can be. For my Republican friends: With the threat of making him a one term President no longer an issue, I hope the Republican led Senate can find some common ground with the President and get this country back on track and improve this country. This country works much better when we do what is best for the nation as a whole and not what is best for any one political party. We've seen it at work in the last few weeks with President Obama and Governor Christie in NJ. We need it to work all over America. I also hope the Republican party in general will use this as an opportunity to separate themselves from the so-called Tea Party before the next election. They are hurting your party. It's difficult for undecideds to listen to anyone who hasn't figured out basic civil liberties. I know that Republicans do have some moderates in it's party and I see that if you will embrace them instead you can really come back and turn some heads in the 2016 election. You just have to stop doubling down on stupid. For my Democratic friends: Let's celebrate this win but let's also not gloat too much about this win. It's very difficult to "reach across the aisle" and shake hands when the other side believes you to be doing so only to slap theirs. So let's get it all out of our system now and try to move right along into bipartisanship. For the Third Party people don't worry, I didn't forget about you. I feel like the 2016 election will be your year to be heard, your year to shine. Let's see what you can come up with. I know that this is all just a bit naive on my part but I truly believe we are all in this together. It's not every man for himself or herself. It's not "Us the People and Them the People". It's "We the People". And "We the People" should really start acting like it.